School Uniform

All pupils are required to attend school appropriately dressed and for the assistance of parents our school has adopted guidelines on dress.

We believe that a smart and distinctive school uniform helps to instil a pride and sense of loyalty to the school. In the long run it is both practical and economical. It is hoped that all parents will support this view and encourage their children in so doing. All items, with or without logos, may be obtained from “Just for Kids” of Washerwall Lane, Werrington, who will be happy to meet your requirements, but of course, parents are free to use other retailers for non-logoed items.

The school uniform is as follows:

  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • Grey skirt or pinafore
  • White polo shirt or white shirt and tie
  • Navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • Black shoes
  • In summer, a blue and white checked dress can be worn

For PE:

  • Blue shorts with white t-shirt
  • Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
  • Navy blue hoody
  • White t-shirt for colder months
  • Pumps or trainers
  • Children come to school in their PE kit on their designated PE days

Extreme haircuts

The school discourages haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children e.g. symbols shaved into the hair, inappropriate hair colours, Mohican hair styles. Hair which is long enough to impair vision should be tied back at all times. This will also help reduce the possible spread of head lice.

Nail varnish and skin transfers/temporary tattoos

At Werrington we want all pupils to look smart and to take pride in their appearance. The school discourages the wearing of nail varnish or skin transfers/temporary tattoos during school hours.


Jewellery, other than watches, is not permitted and only one ear piercing with either a stud or sleeper style earring is allowed.

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