Werrington Way Curriculum for Behaviour
At Werrington, we define ‘behaviour’ as the ‘habits that help you to flourish in life’. We believe that good habits and behaviour must be taught and modelled. Our Werrington Way curriculum supports pupils to grow into adults who are polite, respectful, grateful and who put others before themselves. As pupils practise these behaviours over time, they become habits that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them.
Teaching the behaviour curriculum
The Werrington Way curriculum is taught explicitly during the first week of the autumn term alongside the traditional National Curriculum subjects, it is also a regular focus of whole school assemblies and is revisited at the start of each new term as well as consistent and regular reminders from all staff in all areas of the school. The Werrington Way curriculum explicitly defines what children need to know, so that they always follow ‘The Werrington Way.
The Werrington Way
Be respectful
Try our best
Keep ourselves and others safe
Consistency in practice
Consistency is a vital component of our Werrington Way curriculum. All stakeholders know the details of this curriculum. Staff teach it explicitly to pupils and continuously maintain the high standards we set. Parents are informed of the curriculum and are encouraged to reinforce the messages at home. Through this we can support each other to create a culture where pupils feel safe and learn in an optimised environment and where teachers are free to teach unimpeded.
While this curriculum is intended for children from Nursery to Year 6, it will be applied differently in different year groups depending on pupils’ ages and may be applied differently depending on pupils’ SEND needs.
Moving around school
- Know that we walk around school using Wonderful Walking
- Know that Wonderful walking means:
- Facing forwards
- Walking at a steady pace
- In a straight line
- With hands behind your back or holding on to the rail on stairs
- Without talking
- Know that we walk on the left of the corridor or stairs.
- Know that we enter the assembly hall using Wonderful Walking and stand with our feet shoulder width apart, we only sit down when instructed to by an adult.
- Know that we use Wonderful Walking to keep everyone safe in school and to make sure the learning of other children is not disrupted as people move around school.
Classroom routines
- Know that we use Wonderful Listening in class
- Know that Wonderful Listening means:
- Face forwards
- Sitting up straight
- Never interrupt
- Track the speaker
- Know that we use Wonderful Listening to ensure everybody can learn without distractions.
- Know the routines for lining up.
- Know who you stand in front of and who is behind you.
- Know that we line up without leaning on walls.
- Know the routine for entering the classroom and getting ready to learn.
- Know where you sit in class during lessons and your carpet places.
- Know the routines for handing out and collecting exercise books.
- Know where to hang your coat and bag in the cloakroom. Know that we need to get equipment out ready for the lesson and look after it.
- Know that when we want help from an adult, we raise our hand and wait quietly unless the teacher has indicated otherwise.
- Know that we go to the toilet during break and lunchtimes.
- Know that we do not stay in the bathrooms longer than we need to.
- Know that we wash our hands after using the toilet.
Speaking in class
- Know that we speak clearly in class.
- Know that we use sentence stems to help improve our sentences.
- Know that we usually answer in full sentences.
- Know that we keep our hands away from our mouths while speaking.
- Know that we pronounce words clearly.
- Know that it is important to speak loudly and clearly in class when sharing answers so that everyone can hear.
- Know that we look at the person we are speaking to.
Completing work in books
- Know how to set out work in books and aim to achieve P5 presentation mark.
- Know that each piece of work needs the date and title.
- Know that we use one digit in one square in maths books.
- Know how to underline date and title with a ruler.
- Know how to correct mistakes by drawing a straight line through our work.
- Know that we address staff as Mr / Miss / Mrs.
- Know that we always say please when asking for something.
- Know that we always say thank you when we receive something or when someone does something nice for you.
- Know that we say excuse me if someone is in our way.
- Know that we smile at one another to create a positive atmosphere in school.
- Know that we let any waiting adults through a doorway before walking through ourselves and hold the door for them.
- Know that we knock on doors and wait to be invited in when visiting the staff room, offices or other classrooms.
- Know that we say ‘Good morning / afternoon’ to adults.
- Know that it is polite to ask questions about other people’s wellbeing e.g. How are you today?
- Know that it is polite to maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to.
- Know that it is important to have good manners so that people will act politely back to you.
Playtime behaviour
- Know that we must walk from our classroom to the playground using Wonderful Walking.
- Know that we must play safely without hurting anyone.
- Know that we do not ‘play fight’ as we might accidentally hurt someone.
- Know that we must be kind by including people in our games and sharing equipment.
- Know that someone who is kind behaves in a gentle, caring and helpful way towards other people.
- Know that we should not scream when playing together.
- Know that we must stand still when the first whistle is blown.
- Know that we must use Wonderful Walking to re-enter the school when the second whistle blows.
Lunchtime behaviour
- Know that we use Wonderful Walking in the dinner hall.
- Know that we use a quiet voice to talk to friends in the dinner hall.
- Know that we use a knife and fork correctly or ask for help if we cannot.
- Know that we finish what we are eating before we leave our seat.
- Know that we throw rubbish in the bins but take home any items for recycling.
- Know that we use good manners in the dinner hall, saying please and thank you to the kitchen staff and lunchtime supervisors.
- Know that we offer to be a lunchtime helper to keep the dinner hall clean and tidy for others.
- Know that we raise our hand if we need assistance from a lunchtime supervisor.
- Know that we do not leave the dinner hall unless instructed to by a lunchtime supervisor.
Preventing bullying
- Know that bullying is:
- Hurting someone on purpose.
- Repetitive – happens again and again.
- Can be physical, verbal and emotional.
- Know that bullying can be indirect. This means:
- Leaving people out of groups or games.
- Talking about someone behind their back.
- Standing by and watching someone get bullied without letting an adult know.
- Know that if this happens online it is called cyberbullying.
- Know that if you think you are being bullied you should tell an adult.
- Know that if you think someone is being bullied you should tell an adult.
- Know that bullying is unacceptable and that it will be dealt with seriously by all adults at Werrington.
School uniform
- Know that school uniform consists of:
- Grey trousers or shorts, skirt or pinafore. White polo shirt or white shirt and tie. Navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan. Black shoes. In summer, a blue and white checked dress can be worn
- For PE: Blue shorts with white t-shirt. Navy blue tracksuit bottoms, navy blue hoody. Pumps or trainers.
- Know that jewellery, other than watches, is not permitted and only one ear piercing with either a stud or sleeper style earring is allowed.
Attendance and punctuality
- Know that we try and attend school every day.
- Know that we arrive at school by 8:45 a.m. every day.
- Know that we stand with our grown-up at the beginning of the day before the doors are opened.
- Know that if we come to school without a grown-up, we do not come on to the playground until after 8:40 a.m.
- Know that attending school regularly and on time is important so that we do not miss important learning.
End of day routine
- Know that we check that our work area and classroom is tidy before leaving the classroom.
- Know that we stay in a straight line while exiting the school building, using Wonderful Walking.
- Know that we must not leave until the teacher has checked who we are going home with.
- Know that we do not climb on any of the playground equipment after school. Know that these procedures help to keep all children safe.
Behaviour outside school
- Know that when we are wearing our school uniform, we are representing the school community and must always follow ‘The Werrington Way’.
- Know that we should be considerate of other people arriving and leaving school.
- Know that being considerate means thinking about other people’s needs, wishes and feelings.
- Know that examples of being considerate on the way home include:
- Walking, not running.
- Giving other pedestrians plenty of space.
- Crossing the road safely with the crossing patrol person.
- Using a quiet voice, not shouting.
- Know that the ‘Werrington Way’ curriculum for behaviour must be followed at all times.
- Know that all pupils follow the Werrington Way curriculum to become better learners and to build positive habits which will help everyone to be successful throughout life.
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The Werrington Way Curriculum for Behaviour | October 2023 |
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